No matter where or with whom you are spending the holidays, Christmas is a time for celebrating and expressing your love for your close friends and family. However, looking for that perfect gift for a particular person can be a daunting process (especially for an indecisive husband like me!). But online shopping makes this difficult task a breeze with numerous Christmas gift options. And if you are feeling especially festive, you can embark on a 12 Days of Christmas Chick-mas inspired gift giving spree.
Now at Backyard Chicken Zone we know that buying gifts for chicken lovers can be a challenge so we have come up with a list of suggestions for the 12 Days of Christmas.
The last thing you probably want is four calling birds – particularly if they are roosters! So we have decided that on this day of the twelve days of Chickmas we are going with the theme of “four”.
For the Rooster (aka men) and for the chickens (aka the chickens)
What better way to spend the holiday season than with a set of instructions, a handful of tools, and a determination to build something. I can almost feel the surge of testosterone from here. Why not get the man in your life the ultimate chicken project with the ultimate in chicken coops (it is four sided in case you were wondering how we went from four calling birds to a hen house!). The Colonial Gable Chicken House with Ramp and Nesting Box by Little Cottage Company is sure to please both the rooster (aka men) and the chickens – A real WIN WIN.
Make sure you read our review on this chicken coop here.
For the hen (aka the special lady)
Whilst the men our out building their awesome chicken coop how about sitting back and relaxing with this retro 4 speaker Retro inspired record player which delivers room filling sound with a perfectly tuned acoustic cabinet and four speakers for high fidelity audio performance. It plays vinyl records, AM/FM radio, CDs, MP3s through USB and includes a 3.5mm auxiliary input for music from your iPhone, iPad, Android or any other smartphone or tablet.
Made from authentic handcrafted real wood cabinetry with deep walnut finish creates a vintage design backed by Electrohome’s 100 years of developing analog audio systems.
To keep fully with the theme how about getting a copy of the 12 days of Christmas song.
“My wife and I had several old records laying around and were looking for something to play them on. It didn’t take long after reading all the positive reviews for this item that we purchased the Electrohome record player. This was a perfect addition to our room and the sound from our record collection is more than what we could have asked for.” Review – Tom via Amazon, 3 December 2015
For the chicks (aka children)
As a parent I know that four children calling at the same time can rank right up there with four roosters crowing so how about giving yourself some peace and quiet and chill out listening to music on your retro sound system whilst the children enjoy a movie.
Woohoo – for backyard poultry keepers this is the premium day of the 12 days of Chickmas with chickens front and centre.
Therefore the gifts you give on this day should have a distinct chicken theme to make sure you get that perfect chicken gift for the chicken lovers in your life.
For the Rooster (aka men) and for the hen (aka the special lady)
What better gift for the day three than the gift of knowledge with this online course on raising backyard chickens by Criss Ittermann through the online learning marketplace Udemy with over 9million+ students. Raising Chickens in Your Backyard: hen’s eggs for food

“Excellent course and instruction!
If you are considering chickens, now to chickens, struggling with your chickens, or are experienced and want to expand your knowledge this is an excellent course.
The subject coverage is comprehensive and Criss’s style left me feeling that I had an extended personal visit with an expert. I’ve had chickens for years. I still loved the course and learned a lot.
Criss does a great job at making this a very personal experience.”
Robert U Smith, Udemy student and chicken owner, 4 October 2015
Ranked in our top 10 best gift for husband, best gift for boyfriend, best gift for men, best gift for wife, special gift for her, and unique gift for her.
Check out the other courses at Udemy – maybe a French language course to go with the three French hen theme.
For the chicks (aka children)
Whilst the children would be more than happy to be chasing three French hens around the yard why not try this “Count your chickens” board game.
Winner of four awards including Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award and Creative Child Game of the Year Award.
Players work together to help Mother Hen collect her chicks and bring them back to the coop; if they are successful everyone wins!
Children learn counting and social development skills with no reading required.
For 2 to 4 players ages 3 years and older.
For the chickens (aka the chickens)
Whilst the chickens are out celebrating their favorite day of the 12 days of Chickmas you can slip this awesome chicken treat ball into the coop. This treat ball will keep them busy for hours.
“My chickens LOVE this toy —they peck it and move it to have it spill the treats…it is like watching a Chicken Soccer game!” Joe M. 24 October 2015
Now two turtle doves is not the most practical present you could get and ranks right up there with the hand knitted iPhone cover your Grandma made for you last Christmas or the tattoo you got of a rooster jumping a motorcycle through a flaming hoop that seemed like a good idea at the time (we’ve all been there right?!).
Anyway no need to stress about getting the most awesome present on day 2 of the 12 days of Chickmas because the Backyard Chicken Zone team have got you sorted.
For the rooster (aka men)
Now if you do get a pair of turtle doves for the man in your life the chances are he is going to need to feel like a man again after you make him walk those turtle doves down the street in with those cute fluffy harnesses they came with. What better way to recharge the testosterone levels than with a bit of wood splitting using this awesome Kindling Cracker Firewood Kindling Splitter.
Ranked in our top 10 best gift for husband, best gift for boyfriend and best presents for men.
For the hen (aka the special lady)
Gentlemen, let’s face it, despite our manly wood chopping skills our domination of the world around us is but a hollow façade and the ladies really are in control. Well now is the time to give in to this reality and take it to a new level with this wearable ring that will allow her to even control smart phones, home appliances simply by gesturing with their finger! (Now I know they can achieve the same feats simply by gesturing with their fingers at us but now you don’t even have to move!).
I didn’t even know these things existed and it is truly the shortcut to everything.
Ranked in our top 10 best gift for wife, unique gifts for women, and unusual gifts for her for 2015.
For the chicks (aka children)
On day one of our 12 days of Chickmas we suggested that a drone was the perfect gift for the man in your life. If you missed out how about a kids drone (or two because dad will need one of course).
For the chickens (aka the chickens)
It wouldn’t be the Backyard Chicken Zone without something for our feathered friends. Try this treat ball to keep them busy this holiday season.
On this day, give a single gift. While a partridge in a pear tree may be impractical on day one try some of these fun alternatives.
For the rooster (aka men)
It fly’s better than a partridge, is able to hover effortlessly over the pear tree, and lets face it – it is a lot more awesome than any partridge. Try a remote control drone for the hard to buy for man in your life. If that special person is into photography some models even come with in-built cameras to take amazing pictures and video. My 65 year old father even purchased a drone similar to the one in the image and uses it for filming coastal scenes as a hobby and is now obsessed with it.
Voted by the Backyard Chicken Zone team as the 2015 Best Gift for Husband (okay I was the only one who voted for this category), 2015 Best Gift for Boyfriend, and 2015 Best Presents for Men.
For the hen (aka special lady) Now gents, while you are flying your awesome new drone you need to make sure you find some special gifts for her. Show your appreciation for the awesome remote control drone she bought you with these beautiful pear shaped earrings. Present these to her on day one and you will be strutting your stuff as top rooster for the rest of the holiday period. Voted by the Backyard Chicken Zone team as the 2015 Best Gift for Wife (note that your chances of getting that 2015 Best Gift for Husband is directly related to the value of the jewellery you buy her!).
For the chicks (aka the children)
Why not start off day one with a beautifully illustrated book about the 12 days of Christmas.
For the chickens (aka the chickens)
Now we don’t want the flock to get jealous about the partridge in the pear tree so get them a chicken swing to hang from the tree (don’t worry the three French hens will get their day in the sun straight after the two turtle doves and your flock can go nuts celebrating their special day in the 12 days of Christmas).
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